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Raising Your Ceiling of "Too Good" Opening Your Channels On Receiving Guidance Creating Enlightened Community Transforming the Path of the Bodhisattva Messages From Theodore
Lifting Upward Enhancing Earth Life Heart and Soul Skills of Mastery Angel Journeys
Enlightened Wizardry
For Light Body Graduates
Radiant Heart Productions is a service provided by Ray Hix in alignment with his spirit guides.If you have any questions, comments or suggestions,
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Hello! Welcome to my web site! I am excited about the possibilities of sharing myself (and my guide, Theodore) with you through this format. If you are sensitive to energy, you can feel, resonate with and absorb through these web pages, much of the light, and many of the shifts that we are experiencing in our live seminars. I welcome your feedback, comments, suggestions and questions. You can
by clicking on the heart.
Or, you can always call me at (510) 525-7470. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the energy and information here. I hope these pages stimulate your thinking, and, better yet, evoke a resonance of a much deeper level. ![]() I also hope you bookmark us and return here often, to check out our new additions.
Two New Books!I'm almost ready to publish my first two books. I'm very excited about these books. They are an important part of my life purpose, and the contribution I am here to make. The first book is called "Seeing through Eyes That Bless," and the second book is called "Being Magnetic to Your Highest Good." The first book is in the hands of editors/testers now, and the second book should be just a couple months away. They have both received enthusiastic praise from my local group. I can't wait to share them with you! You can get a preview of the books by clicking Here.
New Opportunities for In-person and Tele-seminar ParticipationOnce the books are finished, I am planning to set up a combination of live group and tele-seminars for people to join with other like-minded people to engage in this work.
If you would like to be notified when these books are ready, or updated on opportunities for group participation:
Frequencies of FulfillmentWe will be announcing a new mini-course this year. For those who are interested in learning how to sense energy more fully, these guided journeys will teach you four specific frequencies of light that will enhance your energy field, make it easier for you to create higher forms within yourself and in the world about you, and make it easier to authentically embody enlightened states of being. Theodore, my spirit guide, taught me how to work with and benefit from these Frequencies of Fulfillment. I used to only teach this course to Awakening Your Light Body graduates, because you need a certain level of skill with sensing energy in order to play with these. Unfortunately, offering this only to Awakening Your Light Body graduates severely limits my audience. Since the Awakening Your Light Body course is such a huge commitment, and take so long to finish; I wanted to find a way to make these powerful and important frequencies available to more of the people who could benefit from them -- without requiring them to invest the four to six months usually required to finish the Awakening Your Light Body program. I have discovered a unique, simple-but-powerful way to align the chakras in a way that it's possible to sense these Frequencies of Fulfillment. (In fact, my local students have found this new way of aligning their chakras to be quite valuable all by itself. I am planning to release an article that reveals this simple technique.) The harmony and sense of expansion that comes from using the chakras in this way creates a sense of harmony and expansion that allows us to sense and work with The Frequencies of Fulfillment. Right now most of my energy is focused on completing my book. As soon as the books are ready, I will put attention on finishing this course, and posting the information. This course includes four journeys on 2 CDs, along with written instructions for learning and utilizing these powerful frequencies. Check back soon and often, or send me an e-mail, and I'll let you know when I've posted the changes. Ray Hix 1-27-07
Hello. Once again I want to tell you about some changes that reflect my ongoing truing up to and refining of my life purpose. I've had many students who were reluctant to tell me how important love is in their life, and how shut down their heart has been, compared with what they know is possible -- until I mentioned what love is for me. So I want to share a little bit about my purpose in life, and make the invitation, that if something resonates within you, a similar or shared purpose, come and play together. Even within the spiritual community, there are surprisingly few people with the courage, and commitment to meet each other in the heart. At an energy level, I observe many people willing to have the love experience within themselves, and beam their love outward to another, but they are not letting the other's love into their heart. Even with people who genuinely love each other, in most cases at an energy level, most often the interaction is two people experiencing love by themselves, while being together with the one they love. We have accepted as normal, the severe, and in some cases total limitation of how much you really let your partner into your heart. I want to play with people who are committed to moving beyond those patterns, to find and live from your expanded heart, to explore new possibilities of the heart, to step into new territory that perhaps you're not seeing anyone around you embrace. It is up to us to be the forerunners, to demonstrate this possibility, before others will even want to play the game. It may be that your friends and family are waiting for your demonstration of living from the heart before they'll join you there. You may be seeing a possibility that they don't know about. And even if they do, their fear won't allow them to step into that until they can see it safely demonstrated. You can be the one who makes that demonstration. As the energy of my life purpose continues to come more completely into my life and being, I feel I am being prepared to more powerfully, and more directly work with opening people's hearts. I want you to know that I am here to support you. I've also been working with a small group of people who are committed to step more fully into that heart space themselves, and are working with me to set a space that makes it easier for others to do that as well. We are exploring functioning as Group Mind, sourcing group, and contributing as group. This letter is a call to all heart people, to come join us in this wondrous opportunity of awakening your heart. To me, living with your heart wide open is one of the highest games we can play. If you are one of the most radiant hearts you know, (or would like to be,) you are warmly encouraged to come play with us, to explore that heart space together. There is no limit to the light and love that's available in the higher realms. The bottleneck is your personality. The Enlightened Communication Workshop is probably the most powerful vehicle I know of to keep love fresh, alive and growing in your relationships. This is a course to expand your personality. The ECW makes available a higher paradigm for communication, a paradigm that can hold and reflect the harmony and flow that you are reaching on the inner planes. This is a powerful vehicle for you to bring the expanded states you are reaching in your meditations more completely into your relationships. So naturally, this fits in nicely with my purpose of helping open hearts, and increasing love in the world. Love is a result of whole communication. At the level of community, it is the purpose of the ECW to achieve that quality of communication which produces a spontaneously expanding condition of whole communication. We call that degree of quality a "critical mass" of communication. A critical mass of whole communication produces a natural chain reaction, a spontaneously expanding condition of love. A big part of my life purpose is to anchor the higher frequencies of love in this dimension. I invite you to join us in this opening, and to share your Self with your friends such that you make this opportunity available to them as well! Thanks. I welcome your feedback. I look forward to meeting you in your heart.
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