Flow is more than something that happens about you,
it is also a state of Being and a set of skills you can aquire.There are many micro-channels of energy that move through us, each one a stream of a particular aspect of universal energy. The level of openness of these channels throughout you determines the level of flow at which you can join with the higher forces of the universe, so that Divine Intelligence can move through you more completely.
With the New Paradigm shifts we are now able to open many more channels throughout our being, channels that allow the Divine Energies of the universe to move gracefully through us. As this happens, you can experience more pure levels of your Self, and become a more purposeful and fulfilling expression of your soul in the earth dimension.
This isn't just opening a channel for communication with "beings who are higher than you." This is a profound expansion and shift of Being for you. It is about YOU becoming a Master of Flow. As you open more and more of these different, multiple micro-channels moving through you, you become more fluid, more intuitively magnetic to your highest good.
"When two or more of you of this vibration come together, miracles begin to happen -- automatically, and without needing your conscious direction -- simply as a function of reaching this level of light, and fluidity." This is more than just a new path to take in the world -- it opens a whole new world to operate in, and brings forth a new you, functioning in new ways. Imagine being in the world as a Master of Flow, as distinct from being an administrator of details. Come join us for this breakthrough in Being!
Side 1 Sensing Flow |
The "Becoming Flow" Album of eight journeys is available for $50 (or $7 per single journey)
from our Digital Download Store.
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For related information you might want to read:
Initiations From the Heart of God
Blessings From the Heart of God |
Living As the Heart of God
Enlightened Communication | Forward in the Light
New Paradigm Contribution | Light Body Graduate Courses
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